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Having an issue with my mod, Please help.


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So before Dawnguard came out I made a perk overhaul mod which worked just fine, but since Dawnguard came out for some reason the mod CTDs skyrim when you try to go into werewolf perks. I have absolutely no idea why my mod does this, nothing outside the original esm have been used or edited(Not the actual esm being edited, I mean, I have not loaded from them and then edited things such as the actual werewolf perk trees.I know not to edit the esm directly.). Only the vanilla perks have been modified as well as a profession option to craft arrows without Dawnguard inside of blacksmithing. Anyone have any suggestions on how to go about fixing my perk mod to work with Dawnguard werewolf perk trees, basically how to get it to stop CTDing.


Re-posted here after realizing this should of been in this forum instead of the other :S

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