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Best Mounted Combat mod for NPCs for SSE


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Hey Guys, as a long time skyrim player, I made the switch to SSE and I absolutely love it. But one thing I am unsure about is the consensus for the best mod for mounted combat for NPCs. Back on Oldrim Convenient Horses was the go to and it enabled your allies to have their own horses and fight on horseback. Is it still the undisputed champ on SSE?


The only other ones I heard of on SSE were Mounted Combat for everyone (which by the comments seems broken) and there was follower live packages for oldrim which I heard you can port to sse. Has anyone ever tested the mounted combat function there?


All I'm looking for is a mod where at least your followers will mount horses and fight off horseback. it would be a dream if mounted archery was possible but beggars cant be choosers and Im eternally thankful for any modders who have tried to at least make any mods regarding this.


Any thoughts? And thanks in advance for any input.


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