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Looking for corpse marker mod


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Hello, I am looking for a mod to mark corpses after being slain. I like the grass mod I have but it is very hard to find multiple corpses after a battle. The only one I have been able to find makes the bodies glow, but I still have to be next to the body to see it. A while back searching youtube on landscape mods a reviewer was using a mod that put quest type marker arrows above the bodies, but I cannot find it again to see if he made reference to the mod being used or not.


I just got into modding SSE so I am not familiar with all the mods made for previous versions. I do know how to port them if someone knows of a mod for a different version. If you know of any mod that would accomplish a way to mark recent slain corpses please let me know. Thank you for your time!

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Don't know of a mod that puts a marker above a corpse but the "Detect Dead" alteration spell, (not a mod) lights up dead bodies a pretty good distance away for me.

I was just hoping to find one. The one I seen may have been his own personal mod too. I found one that makes them glow, a mod, but it is a light blue glow and still not that bright during the day. I will try that spell and see if it helps, thank you.

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If, by chance, you already use Frostfall and its prerequisite Campfire, there is an Instincts power that will make corpses glow brightly, a dark blue like the detection spells do, from a decent distance. I use it constantly, to find all the lootables. It may be a bit more complicated to install those mods just for that one feature, but if you're already using them, may as well put it to work.

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