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Best realistic gameplay mods


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I personally use...


Skyrim Redone - Best overall overhaul

Frostfall - Skyrim itself becomes an enemy, the cold and the frigid water can kill.

Total Realism Overhaul - Eat, Sleep, Drink, or Die.

SkyRealism - Time and Travel - The passage of time is much more realistic.

Climates of Tamriel - Extremely realistic weather overhaul, not to mention pretty.

SkyRealism ENB Evolved - Makes the game look more dynamic and realstic (can be FPS hurtful) + ENB Customizer in case something about it bugs you.

BETTER THAN REAL- DOF for any ENB - Simply amazing, the only DOF that doesn't make it feel like your character needs glasses.

IMAGINATOR - Customize the look of skyrim at any time in game with a simple spell!

Enhanced Blood Textures - REAL blood.

Lanterns of Skyim - Makes dark nights not quite so bleak and lonely.

SkyUI + iHUD - Makes the game much more user friendly!

Immersive Armors + Weapons - Exactly what it sounds like! Tons more immersive armors and weapons.

Improved Dragon Shouts - Makes a lot of small edits to dragon shouts, that makes them overall much more playable.

Lush Trees + Lush Grass - The wilderness feels more like.. well, the wilderness!

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Combined with the above correctly, makes for a very lively skyrim.

Skyrim HD - Texture packs + SMIM - Mesh replacement overhaul - Makes the game look and feel so much better with minimal FPS hit.

Weapon Retexture Project - Rextures most, if not all skyrim weapons, making them look more real.

AMB Armor Retexture Series - Adds extremely detailed textures to a few of skyrim's armors. Sadly, only a few are done so far, and you have to get them separately.

W.A.T.E.R. - Overhauls water, makes it much more realistic, pretty, and so much more.

Dance of Death - Makes killing and dying in skyrim feel less.... awkward.

Locational Damage - Makes it so that every place you can hit an enemy does different things, hitting them in the head may autokill them, while hitting them in the arm my disarm them, etc. NOTE: I uninstalled this mod because it's glitchy.

Skyrim Monster Mod + Lore Friendly List - Adds tons more animals to skyrim, without the Lore Friendly list though, it can be very immersion breaking (Elephants and triceratops to name a few..)

Bugs101 - Adds more butterflies, dragon flies, and other bugs!

SKYBirds - Adds a huge variety of flying, chirping, perching birds all over skyrim.

Improved Fish - Ever get tired of seeing the same 4 fish and one salmon 600 times in a row?

AIMP Ants in my Pants - Ever seen ants in vanilla skyrim? You may not have known it but they are there. This makes them a lot more common, detailed, and diverse.

Winter is Coming - Cloaks - Adds big animal hide cloaks to skyrim, once you see them, you can't live without them, VERY IMMERSIVE. PLUS they are designed specifically to work with frostfall!

Detailed Cities - Makes cities not feel so depressing.

Open Cities - Does what it says, adds cities into the open world space. Not compatible with Detailed Cities for now, I replaced it with Detailed Cities because I kept getting random CTDs with it.

Alternate Start - A godsend for RPers, a quick, simple, painless entry into skyrim, plus tons of options of where you start.

Throwing Weapons - Ever miss throwing knives and axes from morrowind? ...Need I say more? Oh, and Shuriken, and gas/poison bombs. GREAT for ninja Assassin RPing.



If your a necromancer:

PsiKotics Necromancy Mod - Comes with a convient patch for Skyrim Monster Mod and Skyrim Redone, simply one of the best necromancy mods in existance.

Quite Zombies - You've heard your last UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHGghGHHHH


If you are/like Khajiits:

Moonpath to Eslweyr - If you've never heard of it, look it up, I can't even begin to describe it here.


Just fun:

SkyHighRim - Not to everyone's taste, but introduces 'drugs' into skyrim, and makes it so you can make psychedelics out of mushrooms. Can be great fun at times, and totally ignorable when not in the mood for it.

Dwemer Skyship - Fly a Dwemer Skyship, works great, but needs SKSE. Can be a little dodgy to get working, but I use it as an immersion friendly alternative of fast travelling and it never gives me grief.

Dev Aveza - Pretty much the above mod, but instead of an awkward dwemer ship, it's the amazing balloon ship from Moonpath to Elsweyr, only this time, you can actually fly it! Also requires SKSE.




Mighty Dragons

Dragons Diversified

Deadly Dragons

These mods work simply amazing, and when combined, makes dragons feel like, you know... DRAGONS. Not pests.



Forgotten Mastery

Apocalypse Spell Pack

Midas Magic

These mods make being a pure mage a lot funner, and more diverse.

Edited by ArtMurder
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Okay, I'll post my version here, and it's sort-of "maximum compatibility", so these mods work pretty well with everything, no CTD's and so.


ACE, great overhaul for perks, use the modules you want

ERSO, BIG overhaul for races, enemies, immersion (travelers and murderers), also includes Mighty Dragons, this overhaul is also based on modules, pick the ones you like.

Duel, combat realism, just read the description

Dynavision, visual enhancer

Imaginator, Visual enhancer

URWL, Ultra realistic world lighting, looks amazing and has zero impact on performance

OR Project tamriel, adds much more weather effects (Don't use this and URWL at the same time, lighting changes are quite similar)

Skybirds, perching birds, adds some birds which fly around, make some noise and so. Absolutely amazing.

Antz in my pants, adds ants to nature, I haven't found them yet but I haven't really looked for them.


That's it, pretty good stuff in my opinion, and I'd say that these combined affects performance for maybe.. 1-5 fps? Not much.

Also, the good point is that with these combined you are pretty close to vanilla, it has just been enhanced so it's better.

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