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CM Partners problem


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I create this new topic because I have a problem with the CM Partner mod.

I downloaded the French version of Lord Of The Rings companion and Raewyn with the 1.4 version of CM Partners.

I can see the companions ingame but I can't recruit them because there are no topics to tell them to follow me or to wait etc... I can't speak with them.

I downloaded the latest version of CM Partners (1.9) but it still doesn't work.

Is there someone who can help me please?


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No one knows? :(

I have this problem for a long time and I never had any solution.

I'm desperate. :wallbash:



Recently this was discussed on this forum. Make sure you go and get the very latest version, from this site.


You have to make sure you've installed the main mods per the Readme.


Then if you have all the mods installed correctly [one master -esm-, and two other plugin mods -esp- at least, (specific mods required---Check the Readme carefully)]


Then go up to any cm partner companion you see, go to SNEAK MODE, and activate, and then you will get the menu of options. If you have everything installed correctly you can recruit using SNEAK mode, if that doesn't work, you've not installed properly.

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