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Helmets inserted into all NPC lists?


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Like it says on the tin, hehe...


See, at the moment, without Pemalite's i965/R300 shaderpackage8 (currently unreleased), the current set of shaders doesn't allow VATS to successfully calculate a valid to-hit without a helmet. Those of us with R300 or i965 cards (or others that require noheads/nodecals/1year-skip) can't make head-shots unless a) the RNG has blessed us with the NPC possessing a helmet of some sort that's actually a helmet or b) we make untargeted shots at where we *think* the head is (it's tilted 90 degrees to the side).


And apparently since it's possible to modify the NPC item lists, it should be possible to insert helmets for everyone. Extra points if the helmets roughly match the NPC's appearance/alignment. Lots of points if a static head is inserted instead (but I doubt anybody would do this before Pemalite finishes his shaderpackage).


So, anybody willing to help those of us who can't upgrade with a temporary fix? (The only upgrade possible on my laptop would be downgrading to an FX5650 Go of similar rough specs to my Radeon 9600, and my desktop has a crappy nForce1 GF2.)

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