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Incorrect Shadows in 3rd Person


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So I've been having a shadow problem for a long time, and despite my best efforts to search for a fix I've had no luck. Everything about broken shadows seems to referring to the flickering bug which is not my problem.


Here's the issue, my shadows work fine in 1st person view. However when I enter 3rd person view, the shadows are in the wrong position or angle. The shadows change depending on the position of my camera in 3rd person view.


Correct shadows in 1st person view: http://i49.tinypic.com/i1z3x3.jpg





Wrong shadows in 3rd person view: http://i50.tinypic.com/1hdl00.jpg





I've tried both with and without mods and have the same problem. The only mod I have that affects lighting as far as I know is Project Reality Climates of Tamriel.


Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a fix for it?

Edited by Delrok
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