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Twilight Sepulcher CTD


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EVERY single time I attempt to enter the Twilight Sepulcher Inner Sanctum door (not the Pilgrim's Path entrance after encountering Gallus), the door right before replacing the skeleton key and talking to Nocturnal, my game crashes to the desktop. No warning, no freezing, no error message.


I have tried to use the console to coc into the sanctum, then using the "setstage TG09 30" command, but the same thing happens. What is going on? Why is this happening?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the exact same problem. I tried to solve it by inactivating all my mods to no avail. Then I realise I had a texture and mesh file that alters noctornals clothes called "nocturnal spirit".When i removed those I was able to enter with no problem. Do you have these files ? Note that you have to actually delete the mesh and texture files , not simply deactivate the.esp file for it.


Hope this helps

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