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Night Stalkers vs Day walkers


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Can someone out there atleast try to grant my wish?


I want someone to make a mod of a never ending battle between the creatures of the night and the people of skyrim.


Here it goes,


There will be different vampire covens on all different holds of skyrim, each hold has one powerful coven that governs all the vampires that lives in the area, They enforce the law on the vampires as to not drawing much attention to them. A quest will be started by any advisor of the volkihar clan that you must gatherforth all the vampire covens in skyrim under one banner as to help the volkihar to fight against its enemies, the Dawnguards. This will be like the sequel to the awesome Dawnguard DLC. as to whichever path you chose.. Either it be the volkihar or the dawnguard. if the Dawnguard the quest will be started by advisors of the dawnguard.. you will be sent to investigate killings on a hold at night. quest will start from there. now back to the vampire line, so as to unite all the coven which have bad blood over each other for trespasses, you will have to prove yourself to them by doing 1 dangerous mission and you will have their service.. after gathering all the covens you will be on a forever loop mission to raid cities or towns and kill every single guards there.. ofc the cities or towns will be heavily guarded by the Dawnguards. Also the dawnguards HQ will be heavily defended.. oh and did i mention that dawnguards have allied with the werewolves?.. Not only will you be hunted during night while youre hunting on people to feed on.. Werewolves will be hunting for any vampires hunting during the night and they will hunt in packs.. and its your choice to bring vampires with you.. you can bring them to train them to be more powerful.. they will even feed .. FEEDFEST... There will be more Merchants,Highprofile people,Nobles and Imperial, Thalmor diplomats that will be escorted by the dawnguard.. The vigilants of stendarr will be hostile to both sides .. why? because theyre mad at undead creatures... and theyre mad at the dawnguards for siding with the werewolves. and the rest ill leave to you modders..


Please leave comments if this is feacislbe( can be made into reality ) or my imagination is running wild.

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I would have course love a mod like this, inevitably, since I would not currently download it since I do not have the Dawnguard DLC. However, that doesn't mean I can't love it. It could be done without Dawnguard, it'd just not be as nice with Crossbows or Master Vampires. Crossbows... T~T The one thing I truly wish I had from Dawnguard.
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