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issue with custom followers using other armor mods


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Hello all! First, thanks for taking the time to click this, I'm getting nowhere on my own and the frustration is setting in.


My issue is, i am trying to create a custom follower (actually 3, but i get the same problem with each) that uses armor from another mod. I create the outfit with the desired armor, and set it as my npc's default, and it works fine in previews. But when i load up the game, my npc is totally naked.


When i load up the ck again, the outfit template is empty, even though it still shows all of the armor pieces in the object window. Never tried to mod with other people's work before, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.


To pre-empt some "Did you try this?" Responses, here's the steps I've taken to try and correct the issue on my own:

I have tried changing my load order,

I've tried duplicating the armor pieces and using those.


That's all I've thought to do so far. Any help is appreciated. Again, thanks for taking the time to read this, and thank you in advance for any suggestions and/or solutions.

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