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Creation Kit and Weapon Racks


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So I'm having a issue with weapon racks that are placed north to south. On these racks I get a issue with two handed weapons being placed upside down, the racks I have right next to these racks that were placed east to west work fine for both one handed and two handed weapons. Now I read how the creation kit has bugs when it comes to placing displays in direct cardinal directions. I've tried rotating the racks and triggers slightly together as well as individually so they weren't directly facing a cardinal direction and got the same results. Now I do know the issue has to do with rotation that much I'm am certain on because when I rotated the problematic racks to face in the exact direction as the working racks the problematic ones worked with out issue but when I rotated them back to a north to south position once again the one handed weapons display fine but two handed ones are upside down.

So can some help me out by letting me know why it is that I can get east to west placements working but not north to south even with having rotated the position slightly to not be in direct alignment with a cardinal direction. For images of the issue click the link to my post on LL would have uploaded them here but the attach file size limit here on these forums is stupidly small. I couldn't even attach one jpeg....



Okay so it also seems to only be affecting the weapon rack mid pieces. Just tried putting the weapon rack single pieces running in the north to south position that the weapon rack mid pieces were in and these work fine. So while this isn't a answer to the issue I am having with weapon rack mid pieces. It is a work around for the issue by using the single versions of the weapon racks. So I guess I will just make use of these ones since I feel like I have been beating my head against a wall for the past day trying to figure out what is wrong with mid pieces. Anyways still would like to know the why of the issue stated in this post if any one has the answer. But who knows maybe some one else who encounters this issue may find this post and discover the work around that I just mentioned.

Edited by Sparral
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