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Custom Race Hair issue


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I have the Akaviri Race mod and im having trouble with hairs

now at first i only had Apachii hairs, when i tried creating an akaviri character only 5 hairstyles from apache and 1 vanilla hairstyle appeared.

i unistalled and reinstalled racecompatability and for some reason it fixed it. she was able to use the apachii and vanilla hairstyles and i created the character, but then i found another hair mod, SaLa Hairs, that had a hair style i wanted for that character so i downloaded it.

when i used the console "showracemenu" the hairstyle my character had on switched and their is only 5 hair styles showing, they are all from apachii, none from SaLa and no Vanilla Hairs.

SaLa was the only mod i downloaded between it working and it being broken now so i unistalled it, yet when i tried showracemenu again its still the same 5 hairstyles only, so i tried uninstalling and reinstalling racecompatibility again to see if that would fix it since it did the first time, and still nothing.

not sure what the issue is

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ok so i was curious to see what would happen if i tried to create a new character and see if these hairs show up on other races. well, turns out they do and they show up on the akaviri race in the initial character creation, its only when i use use showracemenu or the face sculptor that they dont appear.

still not sure why showracemenu breaks the hairs since it seems identical to the initial creation

Edited by ukunaka
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