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Conjuration question


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I was wondering, since when did you need 54 conjuration to cast summon skelatal minion with 100% chance. i have like 245 magicka and 100 int(65 without items) and for some reason summoning stuff seems to be harder than I remember. I had like 41 conjuration and the skelatal minion had a 67% of succeeding. The only mods i have are :rhedds,illuminated order, assassins armory, hurdy gurdy's robes, ultimate weapons,Flee AI tweaks(from wakims game inmprovements),Dodge mod, battle arena 2, urivith exspanded, and some birth signs mod. I dont believe any of these would cause it. I had the rest of wakims game improvements on before, but I took them off, maybe the settings got stuck that way, anyone know what might be wrong, IF anything is wrong.
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It just fails, i have over 40 conjuration and i experimented with setting my conjuration wit hthe consol and for me i need 54 conjuration to make it 100 nd at 43 i think its like 67% i went into the editor to try and find the thing that sets that sor tof thing but i couldnt find it.
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Nor can you do anything else effectively. I hope this is clear... fatigue affects

everything. Alchemy, enchantments, summoning, lockpicking, successful attacks

with your weapons, bribe attempts... everything works better if you are not

fatigued. This might seem obvious but I wanted to say it anyway in case someone

thought (like me when I was still a beginner) that fatigue affected only your

physical skills.

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