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Help with some mods not working properly


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I followed the latest S.T.E.P. guide really well (for the 4th time) and my game plays well and looks good. The thing I noticed after a while was when I added two other mods that things were acting up, these mods were 'Unread Books Glow' and 'Convenient Horses'. When I go to Quick Spell - Powers, the menu option isn't displayed. I have another mod installed called 'Where's my horse' that does show a menu option. I use Nexus Mod Manager and I've tried Deactivating and Deleting the mod then reinstalling the mod to no avail. In my prior installations, I've had both mods show up but I could never get 'Convenient Horse' to work


My question is, does anyone know how to resolve this issue? For 'Unread Books, I'd be willing to edit a file to enable only having Spell books glow brightly...thx!

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