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Conversation animation


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None I know of, animations for nwn2 are a rare commodity from what I remember. Its been a good few years since I worked on anything nwn2 so there may be something but I suspect that if it isn't on the vault then it doesn't exist.
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I'll just contribute what I know about this situation, though what it comes down to is that there probably isn't any way (or at least not any simple way) to insert animation into vanilla conversations that already exist. But there are some things that can be done.


There are, in fact, plenty of emotive animations and gestures already in the game for characters to make while they're talking. They are almost never used in the vanilla game.


There are several ways to apply the animation. In the dialogue files, each node (usually one line) can have a single animation assigned to it. Weeping, laughing, yelling, flirting, pointing, waving, nodding, and many more. Anything you would expect to see in an "/emote" command in a game. Another way of applying the animation is under the Actions tab, and assign the ga_play_custom_animation script to it, and choose any animation from the list. (There are hundreds!) Alternatively, you can write a custom script that includes multiple gestures to be played in sequence.


This method requires actually opening up each dialogue file (one for each character, usually), and adding the animation scripts to it, so it's not a simple mod.


There is a module event that fires if a character is spoken to, and some other signals, so possibly a mod could be written to assign random (or simply more animated) animations to each character when they're spoken to. But otherwise, it's just up to the makers of custom modules to make use of the animations that are in there.

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