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wip kain, texture problem


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Hello everybody.

If you have any hints please share, i so tierd with this.

I made armor in 3dsmax and imported the male body from \meshes\actors\character\characterassets folder minus the [censored].

I then exported and did the usual sorting of messed up BSLightingShaderPropertys on my armor and gave the male body the BSLightingShaderProperty from the original. On the left is the armor in nifskope and on the right in skyrim with a messed up body texture.


Does anybody understand why this is happening? The texture displays correctly on him naked without the armor on.

Thanks :smile:

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face and body/skin textures need to be assigned via the the CK and linked to the body meshes via new separate skin-texture files( i suggest you look up how they have done it with the original bodys.

i had the same problems with my geralt of rivia in the beginning.


the problem you have is that the bshaderlighting on the bodys and head are still using what they are linked to no matter what you do out side the ck.

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For reasons unknown to me the texture fixes itself when i move the body weight slider up and down in the showracemenu but wont stay that way for long.

I have problems with the morphing of the body also, possibly because Num Vertices in NiTriShape with _0 and _1 nifs dont match up but im not altering anything.

The vertices in nifs malebody_1 and _0 match, i import into 3ds max then export and vertices in both files no longer match.


Also is there any way of copying the body from malebody_1.nif into my armor.nif using nifskope? it would solve all of my problems.

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For reasons unknown to me the texture fixes itself when i move the body weight slider up and down in the showracemenu but wont stay that way for long.

I have problems with the morphing of the body also, possibly because Num Vertices in NiTriShape with _0 and _1 nifs dont match up but im not altering anything.

The vertices in nifs malebody_1 and _0 match, i import into 3ds max then export and vertices in both files no longer match.


Also is there any way of copying the body from malebody_1.nif into my armor.nif using nifskope? it would solve all of my problems.


i cant help with morphs as im only just starting to mess with them for face animations but as for copying and pasting in nilfskope yes you can

you have to right click on the part you want and copy branch, then right click in the new nilf on any bit and paste branch.

but unless your other meshes have been shaped to worrk perfectly with it its gonna look crappy , because the underlying mesh will clip through the bits around in when its animating.

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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