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Hiding Enchantments that do not apply


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I have an issue with how enchantments are displayed and I can't seem to find a good work around, and I'm fresh out of ideas.


I have created an enchantment with several Magic Effects stacked up. Each effect has a set of conditionals (2-3) such that as the player levels up and gains perks/skills certain enchantments go away and are replaced with another (armor specific else I'd work in new Perks).


This works in the game quite well without much issue except when I go to read the enchantments, I get a tiny tiny script of ALL the enchantments attached to the armor whether they apply or not. I've looked hither, thither, and yon trying to find an idea about muting the enchantments that don't apply, but I've finally given up.


Does anyone have an idea how I could change the "Hide in UI" checkbox from outside the Magic Effect Dialog? Or perhaps suggest another method I'm not aware of?

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I can suggest an alternative method for dealing with your problem.


There’s a Description field on the weapon form (top right), try writing a general description for your weapon there, it should be displayed instead of the enchantment. I’m not certain it’ll work, but if you create a non-magical weapon with an entry in the description and then enchant it in-game, the description shows on the finished weapon instead of the enchantment, even though the enchantment is active (this is the reason that silver weapons don't show enchantments).


For example (I don’t know the details of your specific item) if you put:

This mighty blade forms a bond with the soul of it’s wielder, focusing it’s magic to compliment it’s master’s fighting style and growing in power as it’s master does.
in the description (or something more appropriate to your particular item) you could give more specific details in a book about the item’s legend and in the read-me file.


I hope this helps.

Eck. :)

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Thanks for the reply.


I had thought of this earlier but it encounters a problem with the overall purpose. I really like visibility in numbers, nothing in the background or unreadable.


I am making a set of "smart" armors. Armor that applies bonuses dependent on the skill a player has, and the way the game is played. A good example would be finding late in the game some piece of armor you like, but you've invested skills elsewhere (or maybe its lower level armor). The armor gives you a small damage resistance boost which drops off as you go up in skill level and invest in the perks which raise that particular armors rating. Kinda "eases" you into a new type of armor which is particularly useful late in the game or in difficulty overhauls......or you are fickle like me.


This would also maybe allow for a doorway of non-tiered armor sets which rely on player skill more than material. An obvious exception is leather vs metal.


I have also tossed around a script, but this has its own pitfalls.



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Then I think you’ll have to bite the bullet and use a script. It does, as you say, have it’s own pitfalls, but I don’t know of any other way to do something clever like that.


Having the script activated by events rather than constantly running can overcome a lot of the script pitfalls.


For Example:

The OnStoryIncreaseLevel() Event is triggered when the player levels up, allowing you to check whether the armor should change whenever that event happens.


Best of luck.

Eck. :thumbsup:

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I have abandoned all hope with this and am now tackling scripting. I've also just come at it from other angles and I think I may use Quest alias and Perks to see how far I can play with them.



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