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Game is crashing randomly


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Hey there guys. My game always crash random times without any error messages. But i realized it's happening while loading map. And i check the game in task manager. It's only use 2 gb ram. I think 4 gb patch not working. But i did correctly the steps. And my .ini files is read only also.



Thanks for answers.

Edited by Yunkaaai
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That your INI files are "Read Only" suggests you let Steam install the game to it's default location under the "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder tree. If so, please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for why the original default Steam behavior of installing games to the "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder tree was bad (they learned better, and don't do that any more); and why "disabling UAC and running as Administrator" is NOT sufficient, with instructions how to move it. This is the single most important thing you can do to fix and protect yourself against problems in the future. As much of a PITA as that is, it's never going to be any easier than now. System updates often cause issues with games installed to these folder trees. With the game moved out of the default location you will not need to be running it as an "Administrator Account", which is safer. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article as well.

Disabling "User Account Control" (UAC) only stops Windows from prompting you to grant "administrative" credentials to an application that the system says must have a "UAC elevation". Disabling UAC does not automatically then enable the permission for such applications. Instead, (for all intents and purposes) it automatically denies them. (Please read this MS article on how it works in Win10. The basics have been there since the inception of UAC with Vista.)

If you did move Steam out of the default location, then likely any access privilege problem is one of "File and Folder permissions" on the parent "root" folder under which you installed the games. If this is not set correctly to allow at least "System", "Administrators", and "Users" to have "Full Control" then you can't overwrite other files or make changes. You then (while logged in as an "Administrator Account") need to enable the "Properties | Security | Advanced | Change Permissions" setting of the parent folder to enable the box: "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", so those changes get applied to the existing files and sub-folders.

How can you tell if the 4GB Patch (for Steam) is working? The JIP LN NVSE Plugin (recommended for everyone) has a function which can be run from the console: "GetIsLAA" (not case sensitive).
Possible return codes:
* 0=patch is not applied
* 1=patch was applied to the executable, but extra memory is not being allocated
* 2=successfully allocated extra memory from the patch and is fully working.
If "GetIsLAA" is returning code "1", try running the game from a "local administrator" account. If that is successful, you need to move the game install location out of the "C:\Program Files" folder tree, or correct the "permissions" on the folder you moved it to, as you are going to have other problems down the road. Please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for details.
Alternatively: if the Windows "Task Manager" indicates the "FalloutNV.exe" program has more than 2GB (2,000,000KB) of "Memory (Private Working Set)", then the 4GB Patcher is in effect. However, to the contrary: less does not mean it is not working. The game simply hasn't needed that much memory as yet.

Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD) it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.

"NVAC - New Vegas AntiCrash" error log entries are described on the "Description" page. This an important log for "in-game" errors. Some are intended to assist mod authors; while others are there to help "you, the player" trying to resolve a problem. You are interested in the entries which are NOT automatically handled successfully by NVAC. Key entries to look for are the following "letter codes":
* "e" entries are Exceptions handled specifically by NVAC's targeted code changes
* "h" entries are exceptions identified Heuristically by NVAC's "global" exception handler, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "m" entries are "Middle of nowhere" exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "ñ" entries are Null instruction exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "n" entries are Null pointer call exceptions, sometimes handled unsuccessfully.
* "o" entries are stack Overflow exceptions, usually handled unsuccessfully.
* "q" entries are program self-termination information; these are effectively crashes.
* "u" entries are Unhandled exceptions reported from the Unhandled Exception Filter; these are crashes (and the NVAC author wants to hear about them).
* "v" entries are unhandled exceptions reported by NVAC's "global" exception handler; these are crashes.
* "w" entries are informative, relaying exception information as it passes through New Vegas's final exception handler.
* "x" entries are critical errors in Windows exception data; these entries should never occur.
* ":" entries are output from OutputDebugString calls.
* ";" entries are output from the game's own error checking.
Other codes may be of interest, but are not things the player is likely to be able to resolve, They are useful for informing the author of the mod to aid them in fixing their plugin. In particular, pass along the
* "_" entries are informative, relaying that NVAC was loaded and the base address of various DLLs
* "!" entries are informative, relaying human-readable text for the user
Any error codes found in the log but not listed on the mod "Description" page should be reported to the NVAC comments page.

* Do you have "New Vegas Stutter Remover" (NVSR) installed? If so, please see the 'Issue: CTD after 10-20 minutes of play (post-Win10 2017 FCU)' and 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu' entries in the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

Alternatively, try using the "New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF)" mod instead.



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