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10MM Machine Gun


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As far as i can tell theres 1 an all black version, which don't get me wrong is a good skin and he did a fine job but the simple fact is, thats all there is.


Anyways all i was wondering and hoping for were more texture redo's for the machine gun, not sure if it's just unloved or what but personally i use it alot, would really love a clean and new look for the basis trying to get my FO world outa the stone age, but i know so many are so touchy about canon that there will be hoopla, without some 200 year old crappy looking thing that in the real world wouldn't work in a million years, so I'll leave it to the modding community to decide what they wish to do.


All I'm asking is for a few more skins, i want to thank anyone and everyone with the current mods there amazing, and truly make the FO world the way it shoulda been, and what it could be, have a great one everyone, peace.

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