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How To Make Feeding Vampires?


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Well, title explains it. I'm trying to make some vampires come out at night and feed on people in their sleep. I'm pretty new to modding and looked through a bunch of tutorials, but can't really find what I need. It's my start of trying to make Skyrim a spookier and eerier place. Does anyone have any idea how? Here's my goals:


1: Spawn Vampires at night (or make them come out from somewhere)

2: Make it so these vampires sneak into houses or inns. (Not sure if possible)

3: Make NPC Vampire's feed


Maybe also get the chance of dawnguard attacking you when you sleep if a vampire? (I remember there being a mod like that in Oblivion.)


Most if not all is probably pretty far fetched, but I would highly appreciate any help I could get or a tutorial. Thanks so much.

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