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Script: Enemy turn into Werewolf and regain all health @ 10% health.


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Yes, I meant what I wrote to be used in conjunction with steve40's code--I thought you had tried it already and hadn't been able to get it working, to which the answer would be, fill the spell property. When you write "It handles it through a script attached to the spell which attempts to see if the player has started the quest for lycanthropy"--that's only true if the target of the spell is the player. If the target actor isn't the player, those checks are bypassed.
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Oh one thing I didn't consider... how low does an essential NPC's health need to get before he starts cowering? You'll need to make the health percent that we check for in the script slightly higher than that otherwise the transformation might never happen. Edit: oh, the wiki says zero health, so it's a non-issue ;) Edited by steve40
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Fair enough, DreamKing. I noticed that it checks if the target is the player and if not then it skips the quest check. Regardless, I have not gotten it to work yet. Could it be the fact that i'm enchanting a piece of armor with the script effect? Going to try Steve's script now with the default WerewolfChange spell.
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Not just killmoves; try a x30 backstab bonus hit.


He faces the entrance so sneaking up on him is extremely difficult and has an increased detection perk. Either way, i'm going to try exactly what you said and go for a backstab on him, see if it works, Love the Apocalypse Spell Package by the way, a must-have mod and a personal favorite.


Also, we could just make him essential and make the script triggering make him non-essential, meaning a 30x backstab just nets you a pissed off Werewolf boss... or could you get a second stab in?


The script still doesn't work with the default WerewolfChange spell. This is going to sound like a stupid question, but where should I put the script? I have it on the NPC, I have it on the magic effect of the Enchantment on a piece of the bosses armor. I still get nothing.


There must be a problem with the original WerewolfChange spell not wanting to play nice.

Edited by Shinokage
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