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Camera zoom when readying bow/arrow


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I've done a number of searches, but haven't seen this topic addressed. Here goes:


I'm looking to play primarily in third person view. I'm aware of the ways one can alter skyrim.ini to adjust the camera position when weapons are drawn and sheathed. What I am looking for is a way to actually zoom while the bow is drawn and ready to fire, rather than just when the weapon is out. I looked at this mod, which shows that it's possible to toggle the camera view between first and third person when the bow string is pulled back. It makes me wonder if it would also be possible to manipulate the camera's position during this event. Something like AddX and AddY, to give aiming a very distinctive feel while in third-person.


The Eagle Eye perk shows that yes, it is possible to have some form of zooming while in third-person view. Is it possible to mimic its effects via scripting?

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