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Question about soem Distance Variables


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Okay, so like... Long story short, I did some searching, and apparently there's a Global Variable for the distance your Follower can be to you... What I'm wondering is which Variable is it?


the only ones I've seen having to do with "Distance" are:












Now, I'm no modder... But i'm 99.9% sure NONE of those have anything to do with follower distance. Especially since I'm smart enough to know that DA and CW stand for Deadric Artifact and Civil War, respectively


And if it is one of those, which is it?


Though, since I'm sure it's not, could someone tell me which it IS? I wanna make my own Followers Keep Up mod, since northStars seems to not be Nexus-inbound, and since i'm tired of Lydia or whomever is at my back not being there when I friggin' need her! :|


Halp? ;-;


EDIT: Please note, I DId finally get that Followers Keep Up Mod I'm referencing, but it's incompatibl with UFO. That's what I was rferring to, I just derped; I wanna make a Nexus-exclusive version of my own that Is compatible with UFO.


EDIT 2: Sorry if I can't type for s**t atm. I took my sleep-inducing anti-depressant a couple hours ago.


... It's working. xD

Edited by DemonLady
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