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Uninstalling Realistic Lighting


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I have cleared out my mods cause I'm coming back to Skyrim after a break. And a was deleting all my mods to start fresh with all the new stuff out but I can't seem to uninstall Realist Lighting I thought maybe it was a NMM issue as was listed in the mods topic but that's not helping in the least. Uninstall NMM then reinstalling and it's right there but my mod folder is empty.


I checked with BOSS and it reports it being installed as well but I not sure where it's catching it or what I need to delete to remove it. Any assistance would be much appreciated.



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Realistic Lighting Mod has additional recommended Plugin mods, they're t'be deleted also. And it comes with ENB-mod suggested which replaces the original d3d9.dll with modded one. Its the core file of the game and works even if ENB uninstalled!


P.S. I used to backup the game directory after a clean(original game) installation, so I have a chance to compare it with modded game directory. Its easy to find changed files, just have a look into Mods' archive-files.

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