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Weird Dawnguard Glitch


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Hello. The problem I have is some sort of glitch that I have a hard time dealing with since there aren't any solutions to it. The problem I have is that during the Dawnguard bloodline quest, right after Harkon transform to demonstrate the vampire lord form, everyone becomes hostile and starts attacking, and I can't do anything besides move around. Now, I am not sure if this is a glitch from the game or due to mods, but please help me. Thank you for your time.
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It could be a mod causing it have you tried deactivating

your mods and load a earlier saved game?


Edit: if it might be a game bug waiting about

24 hours or so sometimes seem to fix these

kinds of bugs. Whole Riverwood became

hostile for no reason at a point- I loaded a earlier

saved game and waited 2 days by resting and

doing other things. No more hostility).

Edited by Mekii
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