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I know I saw that mod: River Physics


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Hey guys, new around here and loving the pure awesome that is PC Skyrim.


I have a question, or rather a need of help in tracking down a mod I remember seeing when not a Nexus member. It was one that re-worked the physics of the rivers and lakes/ponds in Skyrim, so that water flowed (or didn't) in accordance to the way the river went. i.e. you didn't have water flowing through or out of the river banks in impossible ways and stuff like that.


Sorry this is a bit vague, if I could remember which one it was then I'd have already downloaded it, hah.

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Believe me, I've searched. River, Rivers, Water...all I get is a lot of mods to do with Riverwood and a few water colour changes. I'm certain there was one that made the rivers and lakes obey realistic phycis (i.e. no straight line water)


Either I'm missing something in one of the mods I have looked at, or the one I'm thinking of has gone walkabout/got a different name.

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I thought this one was doing it. Came up on a nexus search for water and is the second most endorsed one. The one with more endorsements is a previous version of this mod.


From the description:


- Rivers that flow in the correct direction for the most part, ocean waves that flow towards the coast.

Edited by Grimoa
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I do have that installed now and, while it does a pretty nice job, it's still not the one I remember. I think it might have been in one of the Mod Feature videos at some point? It basically made flowing water adhere totally to the river banks and whatnot, so you didn't have the flow coming out of a sheer rock or out of a sand-bank, stuff like that.


It's only a little thing, I guess, but it bugs me that I have the memory of such a mod stuck in my head yet I can't find it XD

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