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Taming animals


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i thought of this mod idea for hunters who want a bear, a wolf, or any other animal to help them fighting bandits.


The player can tame animals by dropping meat in front of them, and after a bit of time, the animal will like the player (chance based on speechcraft) and become a follower.

Other feature could be :

-Feeding animals make them even more happy

-Happy animals are less likely to hit you in battle if you attack them accidentally

-Happy animals are stronger

-you can issue orders to your animals to fetch an item from a corpse, for example.

-Differents animals have different bonuses

bear : slow, bad at sneaking but resistants

wolves : fast and powerful power attacks


-Perks in the speechcraft tree to make animals stronger

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I feel bad because Skyrim doesn't have as good "Dog" follower as Fallouts had.


In Fo 3 you could tell your pet to do couple of things, find stimpack, weapons, ammo and so.

In Skyrim.. Well, you can tell your other followers to do some more complicated things, but the way how dogs work is just a bit too.. simple.

Also, in Fallout, dog started to bark when enemy got too close, but not if player was sneaking.

In Skyrim dogs just draw all the attention.

(I haven't tried huskies though, could imagine they are better, as they "are" "trained" dogs.)


Anyhow, I love your idea, and instead of everyone making followers with bigger and bigger boobs, someone could try to make this :biggrin:

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