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Navmesh problem


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Hey, When im navmeshing im trying to make a wedge, with 3 dots, the problem is, on some areas i cant make these, its very strange.

im doing my own world, i've generated it and now im trying to hand made the last pieces. I made a video about this problem, please watch it.


Its like long gaps, i cant fill in becouse of this. it might be becouse of the cells are meeting in those areas or something, i dont no,. i cant even merge the dots together.

Any suggestions? Thx!






Edited by danyyy
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What it sounds like is that those are your 'quadrants', in the CK I believe the hotkey is B to show the quadrant borders, thin yellow lines should appear. Each quadrant needs it's own navmesh, so you'll need to generate one for each quadrant in your worldspace. You want them as close to those yellow borders as possible. If there are cliffs or other impassible objects on the border, just go around those.


Once you navmesh a couple of areas check the navmesh for errors (and fix any that pop up), generate cover edges, and then finalize those navmeshes. When you finalize a navmesh, each neighboring navmesh needs to be finalized as well so that the quadrants know that they are connected. You'll have bright green borders if everything went as planned, and you shouldn't have any errors if you save and reload your mod. The CK will tell you if you haven't linked all the navmeshes together and so forth.

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