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Looking for a house that has a big library to tore books nicely.


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I collect every book I come in path with, because I love the Elder Scrolls and read and reread through them a lot. Anyways, I've been look for a mod for a house with a very organized and cozy library to store lots of books in, perhaps with a display case for rare ones... I can't seem to find one.


Off topic: Or, if you guys know if one of the default houses in Skyrim has a nice sized library, as I have not gotten around to buying/getting all of them yet.

Edited by Greenbean9396
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The one in Markarth has about 3-4 large bookshelves which hold quite a few books, particularly if you use a mod such as Unlimitd Books (or the like) which removes the strict 18 limit per shelf. If you have Hearthfire, the Library tower has many bookshelves also (though sadly it comes at the cost of the Armoury wing).


I can't remember off-hand but I remember seeing/hearing/thinking that Hjerim may have more bookshelves even than Markarth Vlindrel Hall. But you have to be quite far along the Civil War questline to buy it.


Other than that, have a look on Nexus for a home mod to suit your needs. Very hard to find one that's just right, but there are some cool ones out there.

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