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Hearthfire house mod (big project)


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Hey Y'all, i want to make a nice killer house mod with some hearthfire and dawnguard content.


it will have everything u need + a NEW childrens bedroom u can move your children too... im unsure on how to do this though

do i just add bed and chests? im sure theres some packages for voice for specific area's for you children and all though

like in solitude "The palace is so huge, i wish they would let me inside" says Lucia. IM thinking i could just copy the solitude child bedroom and mesh it in with my house cell afterwards?


also adding some cool stuff like a portal to the soul cairn and a lift to BR. im thinking i might either make it from scratch (dwemer look), or modify castle volkihar or DG fort or even high hrothgar.


any helpful info on adding Children content from hearthfire would be amazing, i wont start this until i know how to and looking this up on the net just brings up herathfire vids :/ well ty.


if i do it in castle volkihar then i wil try to make a vampire child race for your children to turn into :)

if i do it in DG fort i will try to let children use a crossbow, like when they attack the dummy with a dagger :)

Edited by Chedfilly1
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