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Do werewolves live forever in the elder scrolls lore?


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I was wondering if it is the theory that if they keep transforming they don't age or do they have a normal lifespan like regular humans do? Just curious I hope it is not in the wrong section.
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Based on what Kodlak says, i would say not. He doesn't really seem to leave Jorvaskir anymore, but keeps talking about the end of his days fast approaching, implying that he's expecting to just keel over any time. If Lycanthropy made you ageless, that wouldn't be a problem.


Immortality also isn't generally the Daedra's MO. They like getting ahold of your soul, and for that you need to die. So, since Lycanthropy is from Hercine, i don't think he'd want his houds to live forever on Tamriel. It would make the Hunting Grounds less entertaining.

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So for vampire's its a different story. Since Molag bol wants souls he transforms only a couple of people to get more souls. (From the ritual to become a pure blood?)
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So for vampire's its a different story. Since Molag bol wants souls he transforms only a couple of people to get more souls. (From the ritual to become a pure blood?)


pureblood females...honorless...sc...wait... :whistling:

yes from the ritual...which originated from Lamae Bal (who was the first though unwilling subject).

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vampires die, so he gets their soul upfront.


unlike werewolfs vampires do not age (or do they?) so if you play your cards right you could walk tamriel for eras :thumbsup:

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