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[LE] Wanting to update my old Mod after 3 years. Where to start?.


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Hi everyone.


In 2016/2017 I created a Mod called Umbra Island https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81887 . For Old Skyrim (non SE). But due to other personal projects and personal life I have abandoned that mod, but I really want to go back and update it, because it has a few issues that need to be addressed, I mean it's not broken but I can do it better and also because it has a sentimental value for me. The problem is that I don't remember exactly how the CK works and the overall CK workflow. :wacko:


What is the best, most efficient and non destructive way to update a mod?.


What programs are you using now to unpack and pack Old Skyrim Mods?. I remember using a Fallout tool or was it the tool that comes with the CK? :sad:


I have a back up of everything. Every folder is here, textures, scrips, source scripts, sound, etc. Do I need to install my mod folder by folder or installing it like any other mod will suffice?. But I need to change some scripts, maybe that won't work :ohmy:


Edits I need to do:

1- Change some dialogues


2- Change some texts on my Quest journal to make objectives more clear


3- Edit some Enemy and Boss stats.


4- This is probably the hardest, delete a Script that damages the player's health while using a certain weapon. There was no way of doing this by normal means and without the use of SKSE, so I went really Getto with this one so this Scrip wasn't added on the weapon itself, it was added on another place, If I remember correctly it's like a quest? that starts at the beginning of the game, I suspect this Scrip is causing "The unbound quest" and others to break, not allowing players to start a new game with my Mod installed. I bet this Scrip is the source of that problem, I remember that the guy who gave me that script warned me about that, well not exactly that it would break some quests but that this Scrip would kick in as a quest at the very start of the game.

Any advice?, thank you!.

Edited by SerchBoogie
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