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Unlimited shouts for some reason...


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I was playing skyrim since a while, really enjoying it up until suddenly, for some reason my character had unlimited shouts/no shout cooldown. I honestly found it to be very annoying and for me, it killed the atmosphere of the game. I tried loading an old game save (very old) and then the shouts were working fine, it's just my current saves. It did not happen right after I installed one of these mods so I'm not sure wether it is because of them. And if you're wondering, No I don't have TGM on. Could someone please tell me what I could do ?


Here are my data files:







-Improved Dragon Shouts.esp




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Aye, agreed.

Though I appreciate "self-nerf", but it's nice to have some sort of cooldown.


Anyway, it does sound like magic-issue instead of some sort of mod bug, as you said your old save works fine.


Sounds like you were using mod which adds item/spell, which for some time reduces the shout cooldown by 100%, and you were equipped with it and then uninstalled mod. (this causes active effect to be stuck on you. Permanently.)


I suggest you check your "active effects" in case there's something which reduces shout cooldown.

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