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Request for Low-Poly grass.


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I searched before hand to find this thread here. But it was asking to only remove the grass and trees (which I think trees are the only that are persistent).


I gain +7 FPS with ~ tg (toggling grass off) but it is not persistent and it constantly re-toggles grass after moving through new locations or even checking the map.


mmmpld made a Low-Poly Grass mod for Oblivion, that I used, that gave me a substantial fps gain, and actually didn't look all that bad either.


Any talented texture/mesh guys wanna take a wack at it? Puhleeze? :blush:

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I'm sorry, I don't have an answer nor am I going to build a mod but I do have a question for you:


since I'm building a different mod right now which uses A LOT of grass and it renders fine on my aging 5770 without noticable slowdown (I just tested with fraps 60 fps before, 60 fps after, then turned on a resource-hungry ENB to get it below 60 and the difference was 1 or 2 FPS on average - in a scene with at least 5 different land textures visible each with 3 different grass textures) I was wondering what graphical card you use?


Also: Skyrim without grass looks sad :ermm:

Edited by acidzebra
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I agree-- so depressing. Been scratching my head about this one, because in previous installs, grass wasn't such a fps hog! I think what I should do is get into Nvidia Inspector and see if there isn't some things I could change for my BFG Geforce 9800 GT. It's a bit old and not ideal.

I have an AMD Radeon HD 6950, but lost one of the power cables (thing requires two) so gaming has been lackluster...

I just had a duh moment although.... I think I might have Vurts Flora Overhaul, and I am assuming that is why I am seeing such a discrepancy in framerates. But after just checking now... I am using Skyrim Flora Overhaul v15a Low-Res. :blink:


So technically this mod does exist, but Vurt's amazing compilation is pretty large and changes more than just the grass.


But my request still stands, I still think a low-poly would be beneficial to many out there. Even tho... it seems Vurt has done this basically.... haha.....


Anyhow, good luck on your mod, and I would love a mod with a lot of grass, if only my computer could handle it.

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