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Mod Idea and possible madman rantings possibly


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So there I was BBQ sauce on my...oh wait wrong forum.. Hello Nexus Community, it is I random hermit crawling out his non usual talkative shell....Good now that we got pleasantries out of the way, I had an interesting mod idea smack me in my weeb'd out brain today. Plus a rant thingy to go with it.


While thinking of FO4 and the whole 50's theme, I started thinking about random things; these things reminded me of 50's like things. So in the midst of my mental tsunami, I remembered an old show on Toonami, some might remember cartoon network the tom robot on the ship? Well one of the shows that kind of reminded me in a odd ball sense of Fallout, was Big-O. Whole world went full amnesia or something along those lines. Advanced mechanics, cyborgs, mecha robotics and other such goodies.


What really smacked my brain right in the gray paste, was the big dumbsize snow globe of cities the lived in. So three insufferable paragraphs later, that brings me to my point....WHY DONT WE HAVE ATLEAST ONE GIANT SNOWGLOBE CITY/TOWN?....Okay I am sorry for yelling I got a bit excited thinking about it....I probably should apologize about the font size too, I am just a broke blind guy without glasses hard to read tiny font.


Next I realized, someone made drop pods, like ODST but I am pretty sure they utilized vanilla cryopod assets....I am more jelly than a Sunday peanut butter and jelly with Adderall in the center....I really do love the authors of the newest, Mjolnir & ODST armor mods....not going to lie had a bit of a nerdgasm there. If by some oddball but unlikely chance either of those authors find this post.....pls spec marin wunts droop pugs...(Sorry I look at too many memes in my spare time)


I noticed a few attempts at space stations, been bugging me for ages. I realized one of the problems people have been having is making it look authentic.... I haven't made a world mod in years, however if you are trying to keep "Earth" from looking flat. Just use a model of Earth as in a actual 3D model, but make it smaller.....like the size of a Behemoth...since fallout is roughly advanced 50's tech, I don't think they understand how to keep a craft in the "goldilocks zone" ergo a bit of distance between the two would be normal...you could also make the moon model as well make it roughly the size of two behemoths, as their is still a crap ton of distance between earth and moon.


P.S. heres a picture of a city globe from Big-O

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