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Balance use of armor and weapons


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I gave up on Skyrim, because on level 40+ my character was so powerfull that it became boring. Is it possible to add something like this: This is an idea of mine, but never made it, because i don't know how:


Somehing like this:

Level - Type of armor ( heavy only, just for example )

<15 Only Iron Armor

16 to 30 Iron and Steel

31 to 45 Same as above and dwemer

46 to 60 Orcish

61 to 75E bony

+75 Daedric


So at level 75 you could use every weapon and armor in the game. until then, just the allowed ones.


This would add a lot of balance to the game. To do the same for light armor and weapons. Since enchanting is too powerfull, this would add a reason to level up.

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It sounds like an interesting idea, but wouldn't cranking the difficulty up be a better idea? That's assuming you haven't done that already. If not, aren't there mods out already that make enemies a lot harder to kill? I wouldn't know because I usually play mage characters.
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It sounds like an interesting idea, but wouldn't cranking the difficulty up be a better idea? That's assuming you haven't done that already. If not, aren't there mods out already that make enemies a lot harder to kill? I wouldn't know because I usually play mage characters.



Indeed, but this way you had a reason to wear a lot of armors in the game. For instance, i never weared iron armor. Probably nobody did, they jumped to steel armor. Is a way to give some armors and weapons a reason to exist. Plus: make you feel great when you reach a certain level and can use them :)

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