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What would the script for this be?


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Im looking for a script for when the player aquire an item( A Unique Tankard) From either stealing or killing an npc for it(Just acquiring it in general) That it sets the quest stage to 20. Sorry, I am a noob at papyrus :P I know how to do setstage just how do i a make it set the stage when you acquire it? Thanks -Tom
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Also when he gives that item to an npc what would this script be for giving the item to the npc and getting a reward of a potion?



On your quest window go to the quest aliases tab and right click > create reference alias.

Call it 'Player' and set the fill type to Specific Reference.

Now next to Specific Reference click Select Forced Reference. In the Cell drop down select (Any) and set the Ref drop down to PlayerRef('Player').



Now in the scriptbox on the same window click add script > new script > called fru_PlayerRetrieve > extends ReferenceAlias

Scriptname fru_PlayerRetrieve extends ReferenceAlias  

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
if (akBaseItem == UniqueTankard )
	MyQuest .SetStage(20)

;dont forget to fill these with the properties button
Quest Property MyQuest Auto 
MiscObject Property UniqueTankard Auto


and something like this in a reward stage on the quest

Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(somePotion, 1)

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