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Change Rl-3 storage speech


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Whenever I access the RL-3's storage, I am tired of hearing the big long speech "Sir, The RL-3 is equipped ...". I would like to replace it with something shorter, like maybe his "Commander" response. I have a 'mod' that replaces Dogmeats panting sounds by putting some override sounds in a directory ../data/sound/fx/npc/dog/idlepant/npc_dog_idle_pant_0x.wav. I assume that the same thing could be done for RL-3. I have never tried using the GECK.

If someone could at least tell me the dir names and the sound name to replace, I could find my own .wav file to replace the speech with. Even better, if someone could extract a short RL-3 response like the above mentioned "Commander" of maybe just "Sir", as a .wav file that would be great.

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If you are referring to this speach "RL-3 comes equipped with everything a good soldier needs! But your RL-3 can assist in carrying equipment, if needed."


The file is located in "Data\Sound\Voice\RobotMisterGutsy\Followers_FollowersTrade_00096B6D_1.mp3"


Just rename your custom file to Followers_FollowersTrade_00096B6D_1.mp3 and add it in those folders.

Edited by Valahul
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Thanks for the reply. That is the speech I am refering to. But it is not working for me. I tried both a .mp3 and a .wav file but I still get the original speech. My fallout.ini does have bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 and the Dogmeat sounds are being replaced. I have no mod managers (FOMM?) installed. The Dogmeat sounds are .wav files. Will either a .wav or a .mp3 work? Do they heve to be a certain bitrate or something like that? I tried one of the Dogmeat .wav files as the replacement and that did not work either but it does work with Dogmeat.
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it has to be mp3 format and have the exact same name. As for the sound itself, give it a 44100Hz sample rate and 128kbps bitrate. You can even make it Mono to make sure it will be compatible.

But to tell you the truth, I don't know if it will work.. because the sound file cannot be found in GECK (at least I didn't find it) I just found the path for it, and the file name.

The only sure way this will work.. is if you make a small .esp file that will redirect correctly to a new file.

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