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Need help in using Armor Resource files


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Yes, I'm having problems making a custom armor for my Follower mod. And I wanna use the mesh file or model for the Male Val Tirkai Armor and some parts of the Alduin Scale Armor mod.


So far I'm having difficulty separating the model to the parent mod. The mesh or model was still dependent on the other mod. Because if I untick the armor mod resource, my guy becomes naked despite having duplicated the Armor and ArmorAddons for that mod and having a nif copy of it in my character's folder in meshes. What am I missing here?


I could really use the tip for experienced modders. Oh BTW I'm new to modding, and I've been messing with the CK for hours now just to get around this matter. help :(

Can I have a step by step guide on this? Much appreciated.

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so you clicked the other ESP and clicked your own ESP as active in CK then saved then your guy is naked in-game?

it looks like you need to convert the other ESP (the one with the armor) into an ESM so you can use that ESM for your ESP, just use TES5Edit to convert ESP to ESM or just send me the ESP so i can convert it to ESM

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Uhm... why are you loading that other mod at all? You got the nif in your skyrim/data/.... so just copy and edit any vanilla ArmorAddon and Armor and there you go.


Here, this is what an ArmorAddon looks. They have their own section in the object window. Find one, copy it and edit the copy. Click select to change to the meshes you want to use.

My link


Next you need the Armor, there's another categorie for those. Again find one, copy, edit.

Yu need to delete the old ArmorAddon that's associated with it and add yours. (Lower middle box).

Change anything else you want.

My link


If you want to make it craftable:

My link


Hope that helps. I'm a little tiered right now so my explaining is even worse than ususal.

And the CK wiki has once again proven it's uselessness. >.<

(They hint at everything and explain nothing. The tutorial saying "creating an armor" explaines how to create a shield, but that does not need an armor addon. Fail.)

Edited by Grimoa
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Yes I already did that. I already used the nif file for the mod resource I'm using to replace a duplicate of a vanilla armor at both Armor and AA category. It still shows up as a default armor model. Despite having the duplicate's nif file altered, still shows up as a default.


Okay here's some images to make it clear since, I'm struggling to reiterate because I'm so piss frustrated right now.


Here's the default model for the dragonplate



This is the supposed new model for the duplicate. I used the same template, same attributes of the Dragonplate then altered its model nif file for the Val Tirkai



Then when I equip it to my guy, this is always the result:



The model doesn't show up like it should. So what am I missing here? Step by step.

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I hope it's just your pictures misleading me: You're sure you changed the Armor not only the ArmorAddon?


Can you get the new armor ingame through the console? If so it's more likely a prolem with that npc you want to equip the armor on. Not sure I can help with that... :/


Also I can't seem to find the difference between your first and last picture. Sorry if I'm overlooking something.


Did you try to add the armor as "outfit objects" instead of inventory?


Another idea might be to make a new outfit (list of armor, clothes, jewelery) that you can choose as defualt outfit for your follower.

Edited by Grimoa
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