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An auto-updating book to serve as journal replacement


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So i was just thinking about housing mods and such like and how it would be cool to make a feature where you "plan" your quests, things like the thieves guild quests or something, and then i started to think, what if you could code it so that a book in your inventory would auto update everytime you get a quest or everytime the quest updates, serving as a journal which you can read through previous exploits as well as keeping all important information written down instead of some magical mind journal like what we have now!


so heres my question, is it possible to using scripting to make the text of a book change upon certain conditions being met, obviously for a full journal change you would have to go through every single quest stage and add them in as conditions to the text being changed, also if the first thing is possible, is it then possible to draw the text directly from the quest descriptions rather than having to recompile then as a book, obviously it is wildly unrealistic to even think about making seperate books to fufill all possibilities of quest completion.



would love to hear peoples thoughts and ideas on this (especially if its even possible)

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Books are essentially pointers to html, text or images. But you could prepare a few books containing various stages, give them all the title (for example) "[playercharacter's name]'s exploits in the Thieves Guild" and swap them out as quest stages complete to make it appear as if the book is being updated. Edited by acidzebra
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