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Need help with Wrye Bash


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first of all, I know a little things about mods and how to make them work, but I never used Wrye. My Fallout 3 mods run like a charm without any CTD and there are mods that should not work together( maybe I fixed them somehow, maybe I am just lucky). Anyway, I am trying to start Wrye, but everytime I get the same error. Well this is it :

Error! Unable to start Wrye Bash.

Please ensure Wrye Bash is correctly installed.

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bash\bash", line 362, in main
 File "bash\bosh", line 29923, in initBosh
 File "bash\bosh", line 29723, in initDirs
 File "bash\bosh", line 6276, in __init__
 File "bash\bapi", line 58, in Init
 File "ctypes\__init__.pyo", line 365, in __init__
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0161' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)


So as I googled I stumbled on few topics, where people say "just uninstall BOSS". Well, I had 2 instances of BOSS, one for Skyrim and other one for Fallout3. I uninstalled them both, but I am still having that error. In most topics, everything was solved by uninstalling BOSS, but nothing other. Just that one advice. My game and Wrye are together in one folder, which is in custom folder( HDD is separated, one partition is OS, other is Games, so it is in Games,but no other game had any problems with custom game folder, so I dont think it relevant).

Also, my Skyrim is version, Wrye support so I hope it is the one I have.


So, any advice ?


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Thanks for advice. You posted 2 same links but that doesnt bother me. What does is that even after doing everything as it said in "Pre-installation setup " I still cant get Wrye to start. My mods are working, I can play(lvl 5 atm and no CTD yet.) I just want to do Bashed Patch, which I know how to do or if I dont I will find guides for that. What I dont know, is how to start Wrye since always I get that error, which if I do whatever I want, is still the same. So lets try to focus on that one first.
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