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need help with choosing mods for LE


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hi guys, might be a long post but please bare with me.

i want to add mods to the game and i don't know which ones to get (quite a lot out there). the thing is i'm going away for a long time and don't have time for trial and error (job, leaving in 2 days, shitty internet connection there and very expensive, game has to be running by the time i leave).


mods i want to add:

-multiple followers

-beautiful bodies for both player and NPC (preferably skinny/normal with high detail textures)

-best physics for the body - jingle(BBP) is a must

-best animations

-AP/OSEX/flower girls (with free camera movement or whatever works)

-some kind of cheat system

-for better gameplay (fighting, interacting with NPC or followers)

-other mods such as sexy walking/sitting/interactions/voices


can't think of others right now (open to your suggestion for mods i have not mentioned)


as for the rest of mods that i will add (cities, world better textures, armors, etc) don't think will cause conflicts with the above so will try to manage on my own.

since will be gone for about 6 months i want the game to be as immersive as possible especially for the above mods (not interested in survival mods or such), so any help will be very appreciated.


p.s. vortex installed and sorry for the english ( not my native language)

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I used NMM for install mods to answer your questions (my native language is spanish)


First of all, You should go to the main page of Nexus-> Skyrim-> and selection downloads


But by the way


1- AFT, I think it's much better than others

2- You can choose between UNP or CBBE, the most famous followers use UNP, but others have the two options to install

3- I can't answer it sorry

4- Pretty combat animations, inmersive animations

5- I don't understand that, sorry

6- You've Lockpeak cheat and other are Perk Point Book

7- Relationship Overhaul


For others mods, Depend that you want


For cities: ETaC, Jk's Skyrim or Dawn of Skyrim

For better textures: SMIM, Enchanced FX, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, etc.

For Armors: Immersive Armours

For Weapons: Immersive Weapons


You should think that many mods causing conflicts between each others, if you use Loot, Wyre Bash and TESVedit, your game not suffered

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