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USKP not giving effects?


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Hi everone!

I'm having a strange problem here. I've got the latest version of Skyrim, I'm using SKSE also latest version, as well as couple of minor mods. I wanted to use the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, so I downloaded it through Nexus Mod Manager. Everything went well, I downloaded the patch and installed it with the manager. The message pops up that the mod was succesfully activated. Of course, I read the manual and set the USKP on top of all .esp and after any .esm. Then I found out, that doing this through Skyrim launcher DATA FILES option is most of the times useless, so I downloaded BOSS and set the proper load order. I also checked the load order in loadorder.txt file located in the AppData. Everything seems fine, but when I play the game, the bugs are not fixed. For example, the bug in the Bards College where the objective does not disappear from the list, or the objective with Esbern, with bringing the dragon scales and bones to him. I found out that the easiest way to check if the USKP is working is when you kill somebody with a weapon, the weapon does not fly apart from the body. But in my game it does, so it's just a next proof that the patch is not working.


Anybody any ideas where did I make a mistake or what could possibly go wrong?

sorry for my grammar, English is not my native language

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Oh! Sweet! glad it worked out for you so you can still enjoy the game to it's most! :biggrin:




Thanks for the answer. It worked, thank you very much. Only thing I had to do after manual installation is moving the USKP to the top again.

Thanks again!

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