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Clicking "Rebuild Patch" in Wrye Bash does nothing


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Hi, I'm using Wrye Bash through MO2

When I rightclick Bashed Patch, 0.esp and click "rebuild patch" nothing happens. In every video i've seen a new window should popup with more options, but nothing for me. I've googled for hours and no one seems to be having the problem. I've tried reinstalling wrye bash, same problem. can someone help out? I'm losing my mind.

Edited by floemp578
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I too have seen them rebuilding the bashed patch in videos just right clicking on it and selecting rebuild. In the beginning of using WB I noticed that my modified date and time would not change on the bashed patch in explorer when I did that. Since, and still, when I need to rebuild the patch I just delete it from the data folder then run WB. Noticed then each time the modified date and time is correct and no problems. Hope it helps as I play sse.

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I too have seen them rebuilding the bashed patch in videos just right clicking on it and selecting rebuild. In the beginning of using WB I noticed that my modified date and time would not change on the bashed patch in explorer when I did that. Since, and still, when I need to rebuild the patch I just delete it from the data folder then run WB. Noticed then each time the modified date and time is correct and no problems. Hope it helps as I play sse.

hey, thanks for answering, but I believe that my Wrye Bash is not working correctly, since it seems to give a pop-up and ask more questions after right clicking and selecting "rebuild patch" for everyone I've seen in videos, but not for me. Seems to me that it only actually creates a patch after selecting something after this. I'm looking for a way to make Wrye bash work properly for me

Edited by floemp578
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Yes, that is correct. I was hesitant to post knowing it was not a direct answer. Just thought with no bashed patch present it might trigger the system like I seen. When I run WB it auto detects all the related mods for the bashed patch. On mine they come pre-selected and I only click Build Patch when the popup window opens. I believe this is the way WB is set up to work, unless it stored my settings from the first time I built one and I am not remembering now. You may have WB internal settings issues, is what I might guess, if it is not automatically doing it.


I know you mentioned you had already tried re-installing it, but I might try it again. Do a file search on your drive/s afterwards as WB creates other folders in places for settings and delete those prior to re-installing. I found them all the last time but am not awake enough now to remember all of the locations. Also use the WB Installer link and not the other choice. At least that is what is recommended.


Then maybe as a back up see the videos on installing and using WB on gamerpoets channnel here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlN8weLk86Xjiymt7aBPWD2epUftR7wss


GamerPoets has other videos going more in depth on WB, in other areas of his pages, so don't think that series is the end. He has specific in depth videos on the whole patching processes. Just have to look his site over. Good luck!

Edited by Indiao21
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i uninstalled Wrye Bash 5 times now via the uninstaller. i then go into Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim SE and delete files with the word "bash" and "wrye" in them. I don't see how to uninstall more completely.


I then reinstall wrye bash via installer. I leave options as they are (Install for SkyrimSE and Wrye Bash Standalone are selected) . I then start MO2. The Link to WryeBash is still there since i dont see the need to delete it. I Run WryeBash trough MO2. WryeBash starts, i see the window with all my mods to the left. I find "Bashed Patch, 0.esp", right click hit and select "rebuild patch" and.. nothing happens. No new window, no notification, nothing. All i can do is try hitting "rebuild patch" a couple dozen times more, or quitting WryeBash


please send help

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I am very lost too with your situation. When I re-installed WB I pointed its storage areas to my alternate drive to save space on my game drive, so I am not remembering its default locations for that info. You can do a search on your drives for it. On your keyboard press and hold the windows key then press the letter "E". This will launch explorer. On your left select your drive or one of. In the upper right you will see a search field. Type in Wyre Bash and press enter. It will search that drive for any relating folders or files. If you use more than one drive do it for all of them looking for any WB files or folders.


As I have been working through conflict resolution I have not had the need to rebuild the patch in a while. I just did having the bashed patch both activated and not in WB by right clicking on it. Regardless of activation it did the same launching the window to show the select-able options for me. I then reviewed WB settings with no indication to anything that would be causing the problems you describe.


If you watched the videos by GP I mentioned, and see you are not missing any steps, I'd have to say you need to look up the support for WB directly. You can probably find some links for support on the github for WB I am guessing. Might be best to try there. Just as a version verification mine shows v307 in case yours is older.


Out of curiosity did you try deleting the bashed patch from the data folder then running WB, like I mentioned? I'd still try it if not.

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i got it to work! i took your advice and found out that wryebash has a discord community where i was able to get very efficient support for my problem. basically, the version i was using (4 days old btw) had a bug. with the installation of the newest version it just works now. thanks for your support Indiano21

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Great, I am sooo happy it helped. I was reluctant to post not knowing for sure the answer, but I recognized that desperate tone in the writing from my own learning curve! You are very welcome!


What version of WB did you update too out of curiosity? Might help me skip that bug when I update. Thanks

Edited by Indiao21
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