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Argonian Torso Issues


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Allow me to start by saying I've never made a topic on this forum (I don't believe so anyway), but I would very much appreciate help and I believe Morrowind Tech Support is the right place for this topic. See, I've recently reinstalled my Steam version of Morrowind, and am having troubles with my Argonian's torsos. I don't remember them looking the way they do, and it almost seems like they sort of hover backwards off the waist. During the breathing animation, the Argonians look fine when they inhale, but the base of their spine juts out when they exhale. As well, when wearing any armor, the torso will twist at the stomach and obscene clipping will occur when a spear is equipped and drawn, even while standing still and not holding an attack. What I mean is, the torso will turn, but only from the stomach up. As if the skeleton's waist is half a foot or more higher than where the waist should be. It has been quite some time since I've played Morrowind, and maybe I'm incorrect and the Argonian torso is supposed to look like this. But I do not remember it being so, and all of the screenshots I've seen online confirm my thoughts. I have several screen shots of what I mean, if they are required. Sorry if the screens are a little small, I had to resize them to make them small enough to be attachments. One (with a red outline) displays the spine jutting out. Another shows that the torso is totally fine when armor is equipped and the Argonian is standing still. Another shows what happens when a spear is drawn, and the final shows the same but from another angle. I have confirmed that all of the armors in the game do this on my Argonians. Thank you in advance for your support.

Edited by Etrius787
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i actually had a similar problem with the gamefly download (khajits and argonians). the thing that fixed it for me was downloading the mod "better bodies for beasts". it uses new meshes and textures which i believe is the reason why it fixed it for me.... hope this works!


......i'm not sure if nexus has this download, but i'm 90% certain that planet elderscrolls does

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i actually had a similar problem with the gamefly download (khajits and argonians). the thing that fixed it for me was downloading the mod "better bodies for beasts". it uses new meshes and textures which i believe is the reason why it fixed it for me.... hope this works!


......i'm not sure if nexus has this download, but i'm 90% certain that planet elderscrolls does



Unfortunately, I've tried that, and it fixed their skin meshes, but the armor clipping is still the same.

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hmmm.... try an armor replacer like "Helluva"? afraid that's the only other thing i can think of....


by the way, way to sport the Ramses avatar! :thumbsup:


I didn't know there was a Helluva armor replacer... That sounds good. I'll give it a shot. Thank you very much :)


And hey thanks. Turn that kid into a Squire with Two Swords, and Thief as a secondary skill set, give him Genji Armor and a couple Knight Swords and he does awful, unspeakable things to people.

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