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Fast Travel Time Calc


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I'm working on at least the beginnings of a mod that I think should be pretty straightforward. There is, however, one perhaps... not-so-straightforward feature I'd like to add and I'm a bit out of my depth.


In essence, however, I'd like to be able to write a script that uses the time passed fast traveling as a value or variable of sorts. I'm just not sure how fast traveling is calculated or if such a thing is even possible.


To provide better context for what I'm trying to do, I'm working on a minor gameplay + immersion stamina overhaul and I'd like to take hours spent fast traveling and use that as a modifier to deplete the player's stamina. For example purposes, let's just say for every hour passed fast traveling, the player takes a 10 point hit to stamina.


I've never poked around with this level of inner-workings of the game, however, so I'm not sure if this is even really feasible, but if anyone's got suggestions or anything that might help me I'm all ears.




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Hey, I don't think there's an OnFastTravel script event. But to detect fast travel you could use gametime polling and time stamps. Here's an example script that would detect fast travel, and time spent traveling:


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Edited by dylbill
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I have the calculations for fast traveling. it's an estimation and it requires that you know the distance between the player and the map marker of the location they are traveling to... Fast Travel works by just shipping you to the location of a map marker, and if there isn't one, then an XmarkerHeader that functions as one, AND if an XmarkerHeading is linked to a map marker, that's where you will end up. For walled cities like Whiterun, I think uses XmarkerHeadings..my notes don't specify this(oops..). I got ALL of the cities XYZ positions for their fast travel markers if you need them.

Float Function GetEstimatedFastTravelTime(Float afDistance, Float afFastTravelMulti)
; Calculates the number of hours it will take to fast travel from the current
; position to the destination.

; estimated time(in hours) = total estimated distance / estimated speed value
return  ((afDistance / 10.0) / afFastTravelMulti) / 60.0 / 24.0


afFastTravelMulti = the GameSetting fFastTravelSpeedMult

According to my notes, it's about 1hr 30min off. I never got around to optimizing it because all the hardcoding positions was wearing me out.


That fast travel event might help A LOT though.

Edited by Rasikko
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