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Location Names in German


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Can someone help me with this.


I donwloaded a mod from a German site. Apllied the mod. Decided I didn't want it and deleted the ESP and folders it created in the 'Meshes' and 'Textiles' folders. Or at least I thought I had deleted them all, but when I start the game all of the locations (for example Divine Elegance, Imperial Trading Company) now appear in German. Which file contains the location names? I have a backup as of Monday (November 17th) so I should be able to restore a specific file. I just don't want to restore back to the 17th if I don't have to, as I have done quite a lot of gaming and applied some mods since then. Any help would be appreciated.



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Restoring your data folder will not mess up your saves. They aren't kept there. Just be sure to install all the other mods that were gotten rid of after the back up. Then the German names should be gone, and you can get back to saving Cyrodiil.


I don't know about the name location files, but maybe what I said can help.

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