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Frame rate issues


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Hi guys. I have recently started modding my saved game. All was good till i tried to add texture packs. Without texture packs my frame rate is an average 60 fps, lowest about 40-45.

First i tried Skyrim HD mod which was giving me frequent drops to single digit frame rates. Then i tried the official skyrim high res texture pack. This just seems to drop to 1-5 fps every now and then for about 10 seconds.


Any ideas? Yes i am a noob to modding.


I'm using a core i7 930 @3.2ghz and 2x gtx460's. Could SLI be the problem?


Other mods I am using: realistic ENB, realistic lighting, SkyUI, Lanterns of skyrim.

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Hi guys. I have recently started modding my saved game. All was good till i tried to add texture packs. Without texture packs my frame rate is an average 60 fps, lowest about 40-45.

First i tried Skyrim HD mod which was giving me frequent drops to single digit frame rates. Then i tried the official skyrim high res texture pack. This just seems to drop to 1-5 fps every now and then for about 10 seconds.


Any ideas? Yes i am a noob to modding.


I'm using a core i7 930 @3.2ghz and 2x gtx460's. Could SLI be the problem?


Other mods I am using: realistic ENB, realistic lighting, SkyUI, Lanterns of skyrim.


You're Maxing out your VRam. Try turning off Triple Buffering (smooths but slightly delays gameplay when using MSAA and/or Vsync), turning off or lowering MSAA, checking the "Disable Visual Themes" and "Disable Desktop Composition" under the Compatibility tab of the shortcut you use to launch the game, or using medium resolution textures (if available).


Avoid 4k/4096 textures if at all possible and don't use 2k/2048 textures for a chicken (for example). I know a lot of mods don't include full disclosure about the Texture Map sizes and whatnot, but most of the popular ones are composed of mostly 2k textures anyways. There's an Optimized HD DLC mod out there that swaps out some of the obscenely large Texture Maps for tiny items with more realistic 1K/512 maps. Try out an SMAA injector in-place of MSAA (FXAA is also low resource but it blurs the image a lot more than SMAA, furthermore, SMAA is compatible with normal MSAA where FXAA will force MSAA off. 2xMSAA with a well-tuned SMAA injector can give you similar results to 8xMSAA at a quarter of the extra VRam usage).


Unfortunately, the game is a real VRam hog with texture packs installed so without upgrading your hardware to a card or cards with 1.5GB of VRam or more your options are limited.

Edited by MShoap13
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