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LOD not vanishing at all; resetting INI files crashes the game


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Hey guys, I'm having an annoying problem that came about I think after I made some edits to the skyrim ini files. Basically, all the low resolution terrain and buildings that you see in the distance don't go away when I get closer to them. Instead what happens is I end up with the full models and the LOD models on top of each other clipping though. It's really annoying, especially for door ways where in the low res model they're just solid black, so I can't see through them to get at enemies and what not.


I know it's an issue with the INI, because I'm on a clean install of Skyrim, so there are no mods. When I replace the INIs with the defaults, none of my saves load. Skyrim will crash to desktop. If I start a new game, I will get right up to the character selection, then the game crashes. However, during the opening scene the issue with LOD not vanishing is fixed.


Does anyone know how to fix this? Or what setting in the INI makes this issue occur?

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Sounds like some parameters are to much in the INI file, but then with original unmodified INI the save wont load?


Yeah that's exactly it. I've tried changing various LOD variables back to their defaults but the issue still occurs.


hmm..deleting skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini from my documents (not from the steam/apps etc etc folder) and hitting launcher app

might force the game to restore to defaults thus creating a clean ini for both, at least this works for me when I meddle with things I don't understand that much :rolleyes:

Edited by k361
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the simplist thing to do here is to start a new game with default .ini's get through the first quest "escape" make a save BACK UP the save and original .ini's then do the editing but dont save untill you are happy with the stability/performance when you are ahppy its stable and lush looking then save the game and BACK UP those modified ini's where steam cant touch them .
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I've tried and tried again, but whenever I reset the INIs to default the game crashes at the character creation screen on a new game, and while loading save files. Putting the old INIs back fixes it, but then the issue where the LOD buildings don't go away occurs. Anyone have any other ideas?
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