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Question about DDS output options


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Hello, I already searched for this problem, but I'm still not sure about the results I got, so I'd like to ask you a few tips for a tool I'm developing and planning to release here on NexusMods.

The tool generate new textures background for the mod "iLuvLoading SSE" (I wanted to customize them since I didn't like some of them). This is where the problem begins: the texture format used by the mod is DDS, and there are several options for the output generation: block compression (DXT1, 3, 5, 7) and mipmap generation.

The mod textures are all RGB (no alpha channel), so as far as I know I should just use the DXT1 format. I also read I should use the mipmap generation for better image quality.

Since it's my first time dealing with the DDS format, may I ask you if DXT1+Mipmaps is fine?

I may introduce the option to choose the block compression algorithm and the mipmap generation, but I'd avoid this if there's no real reason to do it.


Thank you for any advice.

Edited by Meneloss
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